Susanna's Why
Dr. Susanna Wu-Pong Calvert, MAPP, PhD is a leader, coach, speaker, entrepreneur, and writer who inspires and enables others to make our beautiful future a reality. Like so many people, Susanna started life pursuing the American dream: a successful career, happy marriage, two children, McMansion… the whole nine yards. With a stroke of a pen in 2000, the final piece fell into place when Susanna got tenure at a large, public research university where she taught pharmaceutical sciences, in recognition of her achievements in teaching, research, and service.
All her dreams came true.
Why did it feel like the worst thing that ever happened to her?
For many people, the realization that external measures of success do not bring happiness comes about slowly as we start to sense depths of desperation amid our success. For Susanna, it felt like a crushing blow that caused her to resign her tenured position and search for meaning and purpose. Her mental and physical health and marriage were on the rocks, with no end to the apparent toll on her life, and she knew she had to change her life.
This terrible and wonderful turning point allowed Susanna to rediscover herself without the blinders of all the cultural and societal shoulds and musts that she had endorsed. This increased openness and self-awareness enabled Susanna to discover her love of leadership, career, professional, and personal development, in part due to her work with the Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute as a program facilitator and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Academic Leaders Fellowship Program. Susanna realized she had wisdom to share and a talent for program development and facilitation. She decided to go back to school to get a degree in the science of wellbeing, applied positive psychology, and several coaching credentials so she could devote herself to helping others in this way.
In 2016, Susanna found her dream job supporting faculty success and wellbeing at the University of Georgia, Athens. This bliss was short-lived because in 2018, Susanna learned, on the heels of her sister Sabina's funeral, that her beloved husband Christopher also had cancer. In that moment, Susanna knew her life as she knew it was over and faced another rock bottom moment that persisted past Chris’ death seven months later.
This turning point sent her on an even deeper quest for meaning and purpose, this time turning to the divine for support and inspiration. Susanna felt guided to quit her dream job, move back to Richmond VA where she had spent the prior 23 years, and start the Foundation for Family and Community Healing. More recently, she has started the Sanctuary of Earth and has become a spiritual teacher, healer, and guide.

Current focus
The Foundation for Family and Community Healing is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that helps all to learn to create healthy, rewarding, and resilient relationships with ourselves, each other, Earth, and the loving force that unites us. FFCH offers online education on relationship and resilience skill development , thus filling the gap that schools and workplaces leave behind when they focus only on creating successful students or employees. FFCH seeks to enable human beings who are a successful part of humanity and Earth’s beautiful ecosystems. Dr. Calvert envisions that FFCH’s modules will provide humanity the skills needed to create the loving future that we all dream of.
Dr. Calvert brings decades of experience as a visionary leader, educator, mentor, coach, writer, speaker, and facilitator to her work helping individuals and organizations find greater clarity, authenticity, and strategic pathways to actualizing our highest purpose.
Susanna’s work is also now infused with a deep sense of purpose at the soul level, and she uses a keen intuition to inform and enrich all that she does. Susanna feels her soul’s purpose is to help all realize their highest purpose through healing and clarity so that they can become their highest and most transcendent self. She believes that this is the path for us to individually and collectively create heaven on Earth for ourselves, each other, and for Earth as well. Susanna's healing and intuitive serves have been described as transformational. See her offerings and book your appointment with her here.
This vision is also led to the start of a new nonprofit, the Sanctuary of Earth, whose mission is to actualize human spiritual potential on Earth and for Earth. Focusing on development of our unique interface with the divine, SoE is creating a bridge from our current state of disconnect with faith into a divinely-infused and -guided sense of purpose and way of being in our emerging new reality. Courses, workshops, and speaker series can be found at www.SanctuaryOfEarth.org.
In addition to her roles as Founder and Convener for Mission and Vision at FFCH, Susanna is an consultant, speaker, coach, educator, social entrepreneur, writer, and former host of TheWorkFM93.9’s program Finding Our Fit, whose archive can be found on Youtube. She will be a showhost on the upcoming EtherealTV.net in 2024!
Dr. Calvert was also actively involved in the Unitarian Universalist community. She was the chair of the board of the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth and is co-leading a national effort to bring an emotional, spiritual, and relational strategy to balance environmental healing.